I'm trying to clean up my phone and I'm uploading tons of pictures. Here are a few of the newest ones ...
I remember when I was ~so~ excited with Ella to start solids, which I started at a little while after 4 months. And then I realized what a pain in the ass it is to do! So I waited until 6 months with Miss Allison. With Karl, we started very slowly, not really doing anything scheduled until just recently (he just turned 6 months). Anywho, here is Karl, very happy to eat anything orange. (actually, he eats absolutely everything with pleasure!)

For 4th of July, we stayed in Salida, which is a little town 2 hours from where I live. My in laws have a ginormous house there and this picture was taken in their front yard. From the left is Allison, Ella and then one of their cousins.

Ella. I just don't have words for this one. True, I agreed to buy this hat for her, but you have to understand, it's imperative she likes the hat we buy every year so she'll actually wear it when out in the sun. It's actually quite cute without the turned up brim and sunglasses.

This is Allison in the car driving up to Salida. She has a funky "camera smile", this one being the best I can usually get out of her without it looking crazy forced.

All karl want to do is stand. He locks his knees and as soon as he's standing, he's content. Of course there is no balance whatsoever, it's the same "baby stand" most babies have, but he loves it. It's hard to get a picture though. He holds himself completely under his own power, as he can stand with just holding onto my fingers, but this picture makes it look like I'm pulling his arm out of the socket. I'm not though, I promise!

And finally, here I am with no makeup and hair pulled up. Oh yeah, I'm super hot. I know. No need to even tell me. ~wink~

I've got lots of new pictures to post, but we'll just do a few each day. A few updates for each kid:
~ Karl. He's 6 months old. Already. No idea how time went so fast.
~ Allison. She's still total drama queen, being reduced to tears if I ask Ella to get me a kleenex instead of her. Oy vey.
~ Ella. She starts kindergarten on August 10th. Oh. My. God.