Sunday, March 21, 2010

Happy Birthday to You!

It was a birthday weekend this weekend. Both girls had a birthday party to go to. Which means ~I~ had two birthday parties to go to. My husband has done his fair share of taking the girls to parties, so this weekend was my turn.

First was Ella's friend's birthday. It was a skating party and Ella had a great time ...

Next was Allie's friend's birthday. It was held at a kid's gym which was actually pretty damned cool. As you can see, Allie also had a great time ...

Now I'm tired and have had enough of birthday parties for the time being. I can't wait until the girls are old enough that I can just drop them off for a party and pick them up afterwards. I've attended enough parties to last me for years to come!


Jenera said...

Oy, we have had a million parties lately it seems-every couple of weeks. I have had enough cake and pinata.

Kristin said...

Birthday parties can be surprisingly exhausting.