Regardless, Allie just had her first haircut. Ella? This was her 2nd haircut. First in a salon though - in fact, I took them to see ~my~ stylist (who was appalled at how badly my hair looks like right now. Appointment is set for the 17th.) so they both got the treatment. Oh yeah - Wash, condition, massage, cut, blowout and style. They freaking loved it! Here is the proof...
Allie getting her wash:

All ready for the cut:


Now it was Ella's turn. The first cut was done at one of those kid's places and they sucked royal monkey ass. It was all gimmick, no talent. So, my guy is showing me just how much he's going to have to cut to fix it:

She was terrified here. I could see it in her face how scared she was. But she wanted to show how brave she was trying to be, so we got this fake smile. Awww, my little sweetpea. I spent the rest of the time after the picture holding her hands and telling her what a brave girl she was!

Here she is in mid-cut. She loved the cape. Seriously.

I don't know why I didn't take after pictures. They were twirling around in the salon, letting their hair fly. Oy vey. They liked it a little too much. Looks like I may have little girls who like a nice salon experience instead of a fast and cheap cut. Ah well, at least it's something I totally agree with as a necessary expenditure! (It was cheap anywho - only $15/kid. If I got it done? $40. Cut/color? $130. ugh.)
It costs me about $200 to "get my hair did" too. I would love to pay $15!
Wow! I have a feeling I will be doing the first cut myself. At approximately 4-6 months, lol! We were both hairy babies & I feel like I'm having a monkey. (Watch- now ~I'll~ get a blond baldy & you'll get a full head of hair!)
At the rate they are going for haircuts though- one salon trip a year isn't too bad. Maybe it can be a mommy & me kind of special day every year?
And yes- I want to see after pics- Allie looks so happy & I can't wait to see if Ella loved it in the end!
Your little punk rock girls are definitely still girly girls!
$15 for a good kids cut, way worth it!!!
How fun!! I would have loved that as a little girl. But, my mom had 5 kids and was skilled with the scissors, so our haircuts were done in the kitchen with a towel as a cape. :)
good to have those memories.
Wow, I envy you. My ds is only two weeks older then Allie and he has had over 10 hair cuts and all of them have beeb AWEFUL!! Your girls look wonderful and I am sure they had a blast.
I'm so jealous at the beauty of Allie and Ella's hair!! Cassandra's hair is gorgous don't get me wrong but she won't let me take care of it properly (she cries every time I get the brush the girls get like that?)
Anyway...Ella's hair was really LONG! what do you fed that girl to get it so long??!!! Cassandra's is still not that long and I haven't had her hair cut but only one time so far too.
I found a great stylist too here. She's been cutting my hair since I was 2 and only charges me $15..that's shampoo, cut, blow drying it and all :) I'm actually going there on the 11th. For a color I think it's $40.
Are you guys sure you don't want to come out here? She is awesome!!!!
Your girls look beautiful and happy! Glad everybody had a good time. It's good to get those mommy and daughter times before the new baby comes.
Well, haircuts turn out cheaper for me, coz I pay 200 but in INR!
That is somewhat equal to $4!
Yay, after-pictures would have been wonderful!
And thanks for stopping by my blog!
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